Your reference to the Maginot Line I think is spot on.

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Thank you, although at the same time I wish it wasn’t!

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The fact that 4 members of SCOTUS voted to support Texas is maybe the worst news of all....

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My question is aimed at the end of your piece: all of the organizing I see on the left is still within the confines of that "rule book" you mention. If one side is organizing a literal militia, and the other is attending town hall meetings, it's pretty clear which side is going to succumb to the other. Is there any organizing on the left that is actually rising to meet the far right?

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I've been watching this with a growing sense of dismay. Wondering just how serious this is. It feels more serious than I want it to feel, though I know that the right wing is very good at theatrics to test out how far they can go. I lived in Texas for years and watched how they pushed several bills and laws against repro choice and others. Other states took up the process-how far, how hard, how fast.

Is this as bad as it seems? Could this be more than a theatrical tactic to incite fear in an election year? Or...more? I'm fearful of all of it, because neither answer is good and one answer is horrific. But I do know it needs to be stopped at once. And hard.

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If I have an idea for a way to help with organizing based on the methods of learning design and communication of information and ideas I employed working at a certain Ivy League corporate publishing institution, how can I get in touch with you and similar-minded creators across media types?

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Sometimes the master's tools are all you have to dismantle the master's house.

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Where's General Sherman when you need him?

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I'm a right leaning voter not happy with the Republicans on the national level although my state rep seems like a legit guy.

I do not want migrants to drown, but I do want to know who is coming in.

I don't want either side to cheat in any manner in an election and if Trump seriously try to install fake electors, I'm against that. I don't like Trump.

But could somebody tell me what is fascism this article is referring to?

Is a secure border fascism?

Is a state doing to work a federal agency hasn't, fascism?

Is keeping terrorists out of the US homeland, fascism?

Another quesiton is "why do you think neither US political party has tried to stop importing people for 40 years?

Cheap labor?

Future voters?

The only thing I can think if is to prevent population collapse and gain infantry for the upcoming wars.

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As a native Texan my heart is broken and grieves for all of the migrants lost to the Rio Grande. The Texas Taliban is cruel and disgusting. No one should die trying to make a better future for themselves.

Make no mistake, Texas has failed its residents in so many aspects from not expanding Medicaid, it has one of the lowest, if not the lowest rate of uninsured children, women no longer have access to abortion care, ailing power grid, and recently refused the summer food program for children funded by the federal government.

If anyone asked my opinion about moving here from another state I would tell them to think long and hard.

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Loved this piece! I’ve been thinking about Texas fascism all week. I posted a TikTok about how insanely close SCOTUS 5-4 ruling was and had so many trolls come out. These things really energize their base but their base is so small and shrinking. We have to keep showing how weak they actually are.

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Here’s the TikTok’s at the bottom of this link.


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Another great article Joshua. Nobody is covering this story which is insane! Biden is silent and for how long do we wait before he addresses this scary situation?!

He has the power to change this but yet he chooses to ignore. So weak and pathetic.

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What’s wrong with Kansas? Why aren’t they getting with the program like the rest of The Greater Lone Star Covenant of Jesusland and the fools who wishfully thought they had found a reasonable Republican governor.

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Kansas has a Democratic governor. Otherwise KS would join right in with the other Republican Governors and go full fascist!

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Of course! A Red State unicorn. Obviously. Maybe there is hope and Kansas will rediscover their history of “Bloody Kansas” and a gang of freebooter that rode into Lawrence under a civilian commander named Quantrill early one morning to announce the start of their visit by murdering an unarmed preacher milking a cow before going on to murder 180 more. Might remind them of what it means to be call themselves Jayhawks.

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Here’s something not mentioned enough about Trump’s opposition to the bipartisan immigration bill currently in the Senate- it would provide more military aid to Ukraine. Now, guess what foreign leader is opposed to military aid to Ukraine. Yeah, that guy.

Everyone knows how Putin thinks is how Donald Trump thinks. Trump is Putin’s Charlie McCarthy.

Donald Trump’s opposes doing what he and Republicans have been claiming they want done about the border not only because they want to use immigration as a cudgel for Trump’s campaign but because Trump doesn’t want to do anything hurting his Russian puppet master.

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I’ve thought further on the implications. I had thought that Abbot was pulling a Trump out of the hat with BS claims without support in the law. (Like his recent press release about the sovereign power to repel invasion.) His lawyers and the other border state A.G.s (at least—Iowa is a border state, too?) won’t be so careless. I was appalled and frightened at how easy it is to craft an argument to which the Sith Justifies Empire could coalesce around. The rule of law, as such, cannot protect itself from politically motivated reasoning. Only a foundational conviction that We the People of the State of Texas as sovereign must necessarily give way to We the People of the 50 States in cases of even concurrent jurisdiction if assumed. That is a foundation deeper than the Supremacy Clause which is assumed more often than decided. It is the only foundation keeping the union intact. I write here: https://the-oracle-of-technocrat.ghost.io/the-concertina-case/

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