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I no longer live in the U.S., having fled with my family for our safety, but my field is learning experience design and I've been trying to think of how I can pivot to put those skills into something more beneficial to humanity, like radical un/learning, instead of using them to further the goals and spread the propaganda that only benefits those at the top of the socioeconomic hierarchy. If there are any projects that could use help from someone like me, I'd love to get involved remotely from Portugal.

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Love this (as I do all of your writing). Curious how one goes about finding a likeminded community to learn about the topics like the ones you discuss together? I’ve been craving it but struggling to find a way to go about this - especially moving to a new area. Any insights appreciated!

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Today is the 51st anniversary of the Watergate break-in; what have we learned individually, as a society, from that kind of thuggery? There's an open topic for discussion on many levels.

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