Oct 10, 2023Liked by Joshua P. Hill

Thank you. I'm sickened by the Zionist movement being conflated with being Jewish. Zionism proves two wrongs don't make a right.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Joshua P. Hill

Josh. You are right on snd on point. The hypocrisy we see in media coverage and the stance of leaders everywhere is appalling. Shame shame shame on them all for justifying the death and killing of one side in favor of the other. No one wants to see innocent people die. But for the Israeli defense minister to call Palestinians “Human Animals”. Is beyond any comprehension. How does he sound in comparison to Hitler or the Nazis? Not much different.

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Ooooh. You did it again. Speaking the sentiments I believe so strongly and I know it’s TRUTH that we should seek.

How can we be so hypocritical? It’s a misuse of power. It’s like we don’t remember how we responded when Trump called Haiti shithole nations or whatever. These are people, who have as much right to live as we do. The children are not savages. They need love and have dreams just like ours do. The mothers fear for their sons like we do. We can’t expect Hamas to stand by when they are treated like criminals just for existing. That means their moms and their children are having freedom and liberty withheld from them! We are supposed to fight for this! Just because they aren’t Christian or Jewish is no reason to not love and protect them!

If Jesus can rise from the dead surely he can “come back” despite the conditions of Israel. I know it’s about “property” but understand, this is also a religious war.

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Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023Liked by Joshua P. Hill

Thank you for this. I'm having a hard time dealing with the support for Israeli eradication of Palestinian people, and I am glad for anyone who voices opposition to it. I've been teaching my communication classes about the spiral of silence (a theory which was developed to explain the complicity of German citizens in the atrocities of the Holocaust), and it seems very relevant now. If we say anything in support of Palestinians, we are accused of supporting terrorists, especially among Americans. Especially amid the overwhelming support for Israel in the American news media and government. I feel the need to speak out against genocide, and I am relieved others do as well.

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Exactly. Or if we speak out then a quick and irrevocable charge of being “antisemitic” is immediately thrown out and used to silence any voice that exposes the marginalized side. Why? We have to question that. I am a Palestinian Arab American, a semitic by all means and i will speak out against the practices of this occupation system. An apartheid system by all means. It is simply ridiculous and illogical to keep playing that “semitic, anti semitic” card to silence the truth believing that we all can keep on carrying on like this for eternity.

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