I listened to a discussion about this on NPR yesterday and they were saying in all seriousness, like it was a perfectly normal way to go around thinking, that it's not just the ACTUAL crime that will be addressed by this but THE PERCEPTION of crime. And then they talked about how helpful this would be for people who are suffering from all the crime that isn't happening. My brain just doesn't, with this shit. What? They also kept talking about "the migrants who attacked NYPD" repeatedly and I have deep suspicions about much of that, because NYPD and Mayor Adams have a credibility problem.

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Mar 10·edited Mar 10

I think that part made me the most angry. I haven’t feel safe using public transportation since 2020. Between the disease spread and the Karens who were mad that they couldn’t spread disease, no thank you. It’s interesting that they didn’t care about people feeling safe when right wingers were abusing people for wearing a mask or abusing people for being of Asian descent why didn’t they care about how people felt then?

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That's what I'm wondering too, the people who talk about all the crime constantly are the talking heads on FOX news and I mean is Governor Hochul so concerned about the opinion of the FOX news audience that she's willing to make a large percentage of the actual citizens uncomfortable? What the National Guard COULD be doing instead is building shelters to replace the tents that they're providing migrants now. There are plenty of things that need doing that don't involve policing and surveilling the populace.

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Hmm, it is was only people on the Right?

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Mar 8Liked by Joshua P. Hill

What a truly welcoming environment for tourists! I’m planning my next trip already.

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IK, R? I haven't visited NYC since 1999, but I'm unsure I'd be enthusiastic about going there as of late.

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I’m actually shocked that anyone would be a tourist in this shit hole country. What do they even do when they come here? If they go to a restaurant they might get shot if they go to the movies they might get shot. If they go shopping they’re getting price gouged and they might get shot

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I can't imagine anything that looks more fascist than a soldier carrying an automatic, war weapon on a public transportation system. Well, perhaps if they had put them in brown shirts. And we all thought the right to carry a weapon and to have a militia was to protect Americans from foreign invaders. Ha Ha - not all of us thought that.

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From what I've read, the South insisted on the inclusion of the Second Amendment during Reconstruction because they were afraid of Black uprisings. So, nope - the militia ain't there to defend us from outsiders.

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And I hate that seeing this is going to be normalized, what’s to stop any of the right wing chuds from cosplay with their own weapons. How do we know these people are national guardsmen and not drunks doing cosplay?

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Trying to intimidate/deter potential pro-Palestinian demonstrators must be a big part of this too. As awareness builds, widens & deepens there must be fear of a tipping point.

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Not just pro-Palestinian demonstrators. I figure they see themselves as being proactive to try to head off all manner of uprisings and t3rr0r15t acts across the political spectrum. It's another fear-driven power grab like happened after 9/11. To call this a chilling move would be an understatement.

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They know it’s coming do they really think that people are going to quietly go sleep on the sidewalk when they can’t pay rent because they’ve become disabled by getting infected at work over and over and over again? These people are told to keep going to work, so they do, then when they become disabled there will be no help for them. Do they think people are just going to quietly move to the sidewalk? 😂😂

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I don’t think they’re even thinking about that, they’re still trying to genocide all the disabled people and the homeless people.

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They’re training us to get accustomed to the sight of armed goons in public spaces. They’re training us to live in fear, never knowing how the goons will react, what the goons might do. They’re training us to live in fear that for any reason or no reason we might be detained, arrested, processed and jailed - and given the backlog of cases before ours - jailed for awhile.

All of these armed men, standing around, bored. Not a good idea. It’s never been a good idea.

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Standing around with the same kind of assault rifles so often used for mass shootings.

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Yep they’re training us to get used to seeing this, that way any lunatic can dress up and take his AR out to the street corner and nobody will question it.

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Generally I have time when I enter the subway so that last time I encountered a bag search request back in 2002, I politely declined, exit they subway and talked a few blocks to another entrance. Perhaps this seems ridiculous but I felt a need to directly register my dissatisfaction (along with other actions). On a side note, two police officers actually followed me out of the subway and for a block or so... hey, I have long hair so, well, maybe? Anywho.

I'll do the same thing if a bag search is requested. Ridiculous waste of resources.

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As you point out, it's a vicious cycle - the media pushes a sense that crime is rising, so more security appears, so people feel more threatened because why else are the men with guns there, lather, rinse, repeat. Force can keep people in line, but the threat of force is almost as good and is a lot cheaper.

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Did you know that in the funding bill they just passed part of the compromise was that Biden agreed that the DOJ would not investigate the domestic terrorism that happens to school board members?

So if you are a public school board member they’re not gonna do anything about the domestic terrorism that you experience at your job, but God forbid you want to ride the subway. Good luck.

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I’m so curious about this, are they searching bags for just weapons? If they find my single dose of Adderall for the afternoon in my pill container am I going to get arrested because it’s not in a bottle with my name on it?

What if they find mail in my bag with someone else’s name on it? Are they going to beat me to death like they did to Kelly Thomas?

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