I thought this article was going to build up to the famous MLK quote about power without love being reckless and abusive, and love without power being sentimental and anemic. Still, I think this article was quite interesting and stirring on its own. Kudos

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That is a great quote, perhaps to be shared with folks in a future piece. Thank you!

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That is a great quote, MLK was a deep thinker! The FBI robbed us of him, as with Malcolm X and so many other great people. I say this as a white person, who thought Malcolm X was one of the greatest orators to ever live. The government fears humans who can unite humans. Careful out there Josh, you are a helluva orator & definitely your most powerful skill I've witnessed is your ability to bring people together, and incites that same vibe in other people!

FBI has robbed America & the CIA has been busy robbing the rest of the world. You certainly made me think of power differently, and I needed that. I think the WE part of the world will grow stronger in this coming year. The martyrs of Palestine will have an enormous effect on the world I believe ✨✨✊✊💜💜

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Thanks for making this really important point, Joshua.

Power is not a dirty word. We need to claim it and wield it in a just and caring way. I hope, as you say, 2024 becomes the year of real people power.

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Jan 2Liked by Joshua P. Hill

I feel much more motivated and hopeful. I'm not really part of a community, so I don't know what the world looks like now besides what's trending through niche spots of the internet, but your words give me joy and boost my hope that the illusion is burnt and things begin to get better ✊🏾💖

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Jan 2Liked by Joshua P. Hill

Exactly this. One thing I've noticed about power is those who have it like to pretend they don't. They blame decisions on "market forces" and act as if they didn't actually have a choice. We need to break that myth and recognize who has power as we build it ourselves. And alway maintain humility to avoid abusing that power.

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Exacllently said in my opinion! My only addition, which I might try to make exciting and engaging somehow this year haha, is that strictures and systems are crucial to preventing abuse of power. With you all the way!

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Jan 3Liked by Joshua P. Hill

This! And humility isn't any kinda bad word either, some songs I actually love suggest this, but it most certainly is not 💜

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Some notes from fascism 101

Organizing my thoughts

Kelly Hayes Dec 28 2023

"2024 is going to be a clusterfuck, especially on social media, and in this era of catastrophe and collapse, you do not want to alienate a huge spectrum of your potential allies come 2025. So, my advice is that whatever your work is, focus on that. If people are wrong about something, sometimes you just have to let them be wrong, and keep it moving. Focus on what you can heal and what you can build. That’s what antifascist discipline demands of us in this moment."

" And I also have to say, in 2016 I heard some movement people say things like, “If you vote for Hillary Clinton, you have blood on your hands,” and y’all… we live in the imperial fucking core. There are no clean hands here. I am a Native person whose ancestors experienced genocide and whose land was stolen, and who organizes for collective liberation, but given the structure of capitalism and imperialism, I am still living at the expense of a lot of fucking people. I want to change that math, but to do that, we are going to need each other. We can’t afford unnecessary rancor in our movements, and we can’t allow disagreements about electoralism to tear us apart."

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Hello Joshua. I was so delighted to discover you and your writing today. I found you by Googling “why do I find myself getting cynical and angry as I get old” as it’s been on my mind lately and discovered your beautiful writing titled “Experience”. Cheers from Down Under (I live in Adelaide South Australia)

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Well written (as always), Joshua, and inspiring. Thanks for the encouraging start to the year!

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Thanks for this great analysis, I always love your perspective on things. :)

When I think on Power, I always think of the words of the great John Trudell.

“We have to re-establish our identity. We have to understand who we are and where we fit in the natural order of the world, because our oppressor deals in illusions. They tell us that it is power, but it is not power. They may have all the guns, the racist laws and judges, and they may control all the money, but that is not power. It doesn’t have anything to do with power. It is brutality.”

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All of this is such a good direction to start the year with! I think about how the Democratic party let McConnell and Trump get away with seating Gorusch AND Barrett and I get pissed off every time to the same degree. I don't understand how McConnell can pull a new rule out of his ass based on...not much at all... and yet Democratic officials let McConnell refuse to hold confirmation hearings. Ok then if they absolutely HAD to let the number of days until general presidential election be a thing like McConnell said it MUST be from Gorusch onward...then WTAF was the justification for holding confirmation hearings within a much shorter time frame after RBG died?! I remember complaints, I remember press attention what I don't remember is any significant meaningful pushback even though McConnell was literally breaking a rule he'd just made. These are lifetime appointments and I know plenty of people knew exactly what was going to happen (if Trump got to seat 3 SC justices) so given that plenty of people knew... again I say WTAF is the explanation for rolling over like that?

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McConnell had the votes in the House to do it.

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There was either precedent or there wasn't, it's totally ridiculous that one party gets to change the rules in such a way that they can even contradict the way they themselves argued the rules must be followed so that their party's president gets to totally reshape our Supreme Court and we just have to deal with it. It's unbelievable if that's the case because the only time Republicans are concerned about precedent is when it favors them and whichever lobbyists they're closest with.

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In a large nutshell.

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