Nov 18, 2022Liked by Joshua P. Hill

Hi Josh - just want to say how startling I found this essay - it focused a number of things for me, in particular, the difference between contact and networking. Plus, the reference to Samuel R. Delany, whose Dhalgren I read many years ago, and loved, but whom I haven't read since - that was a delight. I've followed you on Twitter for some months - and now I'm glad you've got a substack going. I suppose we can consider that one of the good things coming out of the Twitter crash.

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Wow thank you. So glad this helped focus contact vs. networking for you!

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Joshua P. Hill

Connecting that classic Graeber article with Delaney sparked some stuff in my brain. THANKS!

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Ah i love to hear that!!

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I think Mastodon does offer this randomness and meeting new people. What I can’t get from Mastodon is the algorithm that knows who I want to see before others. Which is why I think Substack or similar from folks with large followings is so important. I’ve noticed in the past 10 days that my time on social media has gone down significantly. I obtained much of my political education from whom I met on Twitter over the past 10 years. And I hope others can find similar somehow if Twitter goes down. A positive of Mastodon (besides no ads or other crap) is that people are engaging more than I ever experienced on Twitter, as someone with no following. So it feels more like a community.

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