Couldn’t agree more. Also public kitchens + eating spaces... and community gardens... and community places of art. The list goes on.

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Ah, those are what I dream of ❤️

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Likewise. It’s an interesting pursuit in the US. I’m making my house into a community space. In the process of making the kitchen a commercial kitchen for a friend’s broth business. Hosting group homeschool and permaculture community garden.

It’s redefining what “public” and “community” mean for me. Also asking for a lot of interpersonal skill building. Turns out really needing each other also means needing great communication.

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Might have to reach out to you at some point, because I hope to pursue that same vision when I'm able!

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Any time! A few years ago when I started I was emailing with Charles Eisenstein around it. He seems busier now but also worth reaching out to or subscribing. He really helped me understand that the foundation is the local relationships and the foundation of that is the time spent together creating instead of consuming. Ayateshealth@gmail.com

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Feb 8Liked by Joshua P. Hill

The Srsly Wrong Podcast has a whole series on Library Socialism that is worth checking out. Libraries are the best. LA Public Library, along with access to audiobooks and ebooks, also has 3D printers and hiking kits and many other things for people to use.

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Wow will definitely be checking that out! And love when libraries have these amazing resources for everyone to use free, those ones in LA are so cool and exactly why I wrote this. Thank you!!

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As someone who is currently in their last semester of a Master's in Library Science, thank you for sharing your love of libraries!! My own love of my local library as a kid is what inspired me to become a librarian in the first place. I'm ready to fight to good fight to keep libraries open to all and work to fight against the problems that still exist within the institutions of libraries as well

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Feb 8Liked by Joshua P. Hill

Yes! I’m sitting at my local library at this very moment.

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Feb 8Liked by Joshua P. Hill

Libraries really are the best. And a great model for how to build community.

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Feb 8Liked by Joshua P. Hill

I love libraries so much! I've had fun at the free classes and heck, apparently this year ours has an event that'll help do your taxes, which is really cool! I'll do everything I can to protect them too!

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Toy libraries are big here in UK, and we're seeing the beginnings of clothes libraries. Here's to less individualised ownership and more collective commons!

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Feb 8Liked by Joshua P. Hill

My local library is closed due to flooding and it's made me realize how much I love that space and rely on it. This is a great reminder of why they're so valuable as resources and community spaces.

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As one of the last temperature controlled, free, indoor spaces where a person can spend the day, librarians are called upon to manage substance use issues, overdoses, violence, and more (tasks that they're typically not trained nor adequately compensated for), all while delivering their regular programming and services. Absolutely let's protect libraries and advocate for more just social spaces, but in the meantime, I must call attention to the amazingness of librarians/library staff who keep the train on the tracks in a difficult sociopolitical climate.

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I'm an ex-librarian, plus a libraries advisor, so wholeheartedly agree!

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Oh, absolutely yes to this, Joshua. I took my kids to play with our library's legos during the hot summer, and we were so enthusiastically supported by every librarian as we searched for our favorite books (and discovered new ones). Librarians are sages and wizards who extend dignity to strangers; they are truly magical individuals. I remember when my youngest marveled that he could take out 15 books to borrow: "but I am not paying for them? Not even late fees?"

"Yes, baby. You can just read; it's a generous education, isn't it?"

The availability of books created such a reading voraciousness in my sons and I am so grateful.

Libraries are a sterling example of the best that government can offer and deserves to thrive.

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Amen! You had me at unabashed love note to libraries. In fact, had just come back from the library when your post popped up in my feed. Libraries are special places in so many ways, and I think that's truer than ever. Last August, I posted a few photos of the old Carnegie Library in downtown Atlanta that I remember so fondly from my childhood. Sadly, it was torn down in 1977 to make room for a much larger (and uglier) building: https://lroseen.substack.com/p/book-savoring-for-tortoises-plus

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Love this post. Just wanted to share that some friends and I just started a free online library that focusses on queer literature, and it's user supported, so we can sidestep book bans. I'd love if you'd check us out!! https://www.queerliberationlibrary.org

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I love libraries as well. I can read books I could not otherwise afford to purchase. It is also a great way to decide what books are worth purchasing when you can afford it.

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Public education is another fundamentally good system that demonstrates core values all Americans should have, and as such is equally under attack. May we do all we can to protect and build on all these institutions and through our actions strengthen each other's resolve to build a better society.

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