THIS is it! It's Billionaires, Not the Border! That needs to go viral. You hit it right on the head with this title and article.

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I think I read somewhere that you only have to convince 4% of the population that something is true and whether it’s true or not it will spread. The same has happened in the UK and no amount of reasoned debate will shift the pernicious lie that it’s the brown people in rubber dinghies that are responsible and not the the ones (all colours and all creeds) coming in private planes and helicopters.

Neoliberalism and the concurrent globalization is the root cause and the ruling classes and now global elite are entirely to blame.

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Excellent. Thank you for the clear explanation. Wish more people would read and understand this reality.

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So correct!

Refugees and immigrants are a symptom of a greater disease, they’re not the cause. The real cancer is always snatch-and-grab greed

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That’s an awful lot of words to not even mention the actual number of migrants and crossing interactions…

I’m for you on taking care of immigrants, especially since WE exploited them and destroyed the climate, both of which largely added to their need to migrate in the first place.

That doesn’t change that there HAS BEEN a historic number of migrants, with crossings often overwhelming the border agents abilities to process them. That’s bad for asylum seekers, because you can’t claim asylum if you can’t get processed.

You also can’t just hand wave away the fact that we me need to find those people homes and jobs and share water resources in areas that are already using far too much of it. Or else they just develop slums.

Pretending it’s not a real problem helps no one.

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We should've seen it as it accelerated since fuzzy lie of reaganonomics. Both snakeoilreagan and dunya had "oh shucks" faces but had plans to oppress the middle class and enrich the oligarchs with taxcuts at the expense of the all the middle class and poor voters. In the 80s it's "welfare queens", then 90s family values brought out by the thugs of novaluenewt and boyslovinghenry and at the turn of the millennium it was "us v/s them, patriotism, stealing oil, er spreading freedom in the Middle East" and finally otdrumfptutiltool brought out maga while destroying education, economy, and killing close to million Americans with rhetoric of bad Muslims, criminal migrants, china virus etc.

The worst, sickening part is while politicians are putting Americans against migrants, anyone different, the corporations are abusing those migrants with horrible living conditions at migrant centers while pocketing the taxpayers billions for "helping with migrant crisis".

A foreigner's observation?

Another bad rhetoric us declaring America turning into third world country, but it's the corporations and oligarchs are working to destroy education system, leading to bad economy, to poor living and working conditions and overall welfare of Americans. Noone from outside is doing that.

The rethugliCons, and obedient Democrats stole from the very voters who elected them, to fund with tax cuts at the expense of ordinary Americans to enrich their donors, obscenely rich oligarchs and obsenely big corporations. They applied reverse robinhood policies. Thanks to good team of Kamala+Tim we might see improvements or turning back some of the decades old destruction.

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Sorry meant dubya=jr bush.

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i think this is a bad argument - while maybe US problems are diff, Canada is a perfect example of how uncontrolled immigration can destroy qol for everyone.

The data and numbers are out there - so ultimately the issue is sustainable controlled immigration which ultimately benefit the host country OR open borders in which case why even have a discussion anymore?!

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Such an important point, Josh. Thanks for breaking this down.

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Wonderful, exactly right. Why it's so important to vote FOR Harris/Walz and a Democratic House and Senate so we all can continue to push and fight for border justice and a better immigration system. Without POWER we can't make ANY change.... and if the monstrous Republicans re/gain power, we have no hope. VOTE HARRIS/WALZ! and then get on the phones and in the streets!

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Great points! Something I'm hoping to get across in my next posts is that those same billionaires and the foreign policies they promote are the reason other countries are much worse off than the US and that oligarchy creates such poor economic conditions around the world that people want to move to the US.

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A paranoid, self-destructive settler colonial society. The sooner it collapses the better it is, for all the people outside that wall.

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Should say “In fact, recent research shows that *millionaires* and billionaires owe at least $150 billion in taxes.” 🙂👍✊

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I have found those with higher somatic intelligence tend to support Trump.

This is exactly what the oppression of the somatic intelligence was supposed to do. They rolled out the Nazi/Prussian education systems in America and it has been a spiraling downfall ever since.

The elite let all those who are creative and adventurous do the hard work of exploring the new nation and then used their education system but on coersion of the average to deliver it to them on a silver platter.

My grandmother and grandfather always voted as Jesus told them to vote.

Which made me believe Jesus was kind of jerk as a kid.

An adult I realize their emotions are just co-opted.

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The Dems want a win and are taking baby steps this week to figure out the 65 day dance.

I agree fully with your assessment but not 107%.

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