Right on! I agree completely that we have to seize this moment and create an inspiring and inclusive narrative that inspires action and gets us to the future we want. Thanks for a great piece of writing.

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If only the leaders of the Democratic Party would get their heads out of their asses and wake up to this reality. They are so out of touch.

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Out of touch, and in large part responsible for this mess. As so many are actually corporate puppets, and Israel is simply one more evil corporation, in terms of exploiting the American political system. We are lacking much in terms of education housing healthcare and more, but the corporations, and military industrial complex to be more specific yet(but certainly not limited to) are crushing Haiti DRC Palestine Sudan, and this list goes on and on and on.

This is a fantastic piece, as per usual Josh!

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Maybe if we encourage young job-seekers and entrepreneurs to lean into the public benefit model of incorporation, we can catalyze a rapid shift toward an economy that puts people and the planet before profits.🌼

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Very insightful and well-written👏🏻

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These views dominated the U.S. Right for much of the late 20th century (though never completely unchallenged). Now, new doctrines have taken over, insisting that the old fusionist Right ceded too much ground to the Left, that egalitarian or economic principles rooted in classical liberalism have led to “decadence” (primarily LGBTQ rights), national decline (purportedly through “feminization” and “oversensitivity”) and growing disorder.

I'm just picturing Alex Jones and his insane gay frogs shit, while selling taint wipes and somehow having a troubling 1.5 million followers

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Every time someone mentions the Right or the Left in the American context, I just bury my face in my hands. What Americans consider to be the Left is Center Right. Center probably doesn't even belong in that expression. Democrats are Right. Republicans are Far Right. End of the day. There is no "Leftist" political movement in the United States of America as the rest of the world sees it.

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There is a leftist political movement, it's just very fringe, and we have 0 representation. But we out here. And there are podcast, and people trying. But this capitalist duopoly is very well entrenched.

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There is, just not in any elected politicians...

I couldn't agree more about your diagnosis of right & far right at this point. Media wise too, MSNBC IS RIGHT FOX IS FAR RIGHT

Look how they did mehdi.

Or the other way of looking at it, left wing right wing, it's all the same bird.

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You know what they say about the wings, if you fly with just one wing you will circle in gyres and nothing changes. The US media presentation of left and right wings are all describing the same wing; therefore, everything (in the USA at least) just circles around various locations on the spectrum that the mostly neo-libertarian wing represents without putting air under actual left-wing concepts like universal health care because of the demonization of socialism and the Other.

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Neo liberalism.... But yea I agree.

Universal or single payer healthcare... Damn right we want it

Along with housing and education for all.

I am all about that socialism

And yea all MSM is on the same page just faking like they representing something different....

We spend a trillion dollars on military and just donating billions to scumbags like Israel, and another 1/2 a trillion on law enforcement...

It's a shithole

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Thanks for the correction! Ooops lol

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No worries, I typo on the fucking regular

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"let's get to work." - I appreciate your passion. The future is more human labor and organization. less energy resource dependance and atomization.

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Captures the moment without being alarmist. I'm still determining how the collective shifts our trajectory in the broader sense, especially in the US.

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I love the paper you linked about NGOization. It's important to have a real understanding of how neoliberalism (and capitalism broadly) co-opts hierarchical/centralized forms of power. The Law and Political Economy Project does a great job explaining how the law is used to uphold neoliberalism and capital accumulation broadly (https://bathruminations.substack.com/p/law-and-neoliberal-politics). But also, your post made me think of this analysis of the Autonomen in Germany, specifically this quote:

"communes destitute the state (i.e., render it inoperative and powerless) by challenging the need for state institutions. Development of new communal forms of life outside the state and capitalism provides the basis for “suppressing them in a positive way. To destitute is not primarily to attack the institution, but to attack the need we have of it.”(1) It is in this sense that communes provide the material foundation to “live communism” and attack the rule of capitalism and the state." (https://anarchiststudies.org/living-communism-spencer-beswick/)

I don't think you need to want communism to understand the power of local organizing and providing for your neighbors, but I think it is valuable to do it in a strategic way. Identify the state/corporate institutions that are the most harmful to you and work with your neighbors to remove the need for them.

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La concha de tu madre you know nothing about argentina and what our people endured under peronism and socialism that bring our people and economy to poverty go in north korea if you like dictatorships and anti capitalism pelotudo

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insightful but the click bait headline prevents me from sharing

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I disagree that it’s clickbait. It’s a discussion of whether or not liberalism is coming to an end. Does the title not represent that?

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I felt the headline presents that particular discourse in a fashion that is structurally opposed to my personal opinion and, moreover, proffering an ending rather than a beginning – hence my reluctance to potentially endorse that perspective by sharing it. Thanks for presenting your own personal opinion. I appreciate your time and perspective.

Tl;dr YMMV

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Javier Milei is just Argentina Doc Sportello

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