Thank you for this. It’s so invigorating to read and feel this surge of love and connection amidst such alienation and suffering. Thank you for the clarity of your reminder that such is possible, and necessary. Much love.

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Nov 26, 2023·edited Nov 26, 2023Liked by Joshua P. Hill

Thanks for articulating such an important observation. Connection, community and activism give our lives so much meaning.

"George Jackson implored, “Discover your humanity and your love in revolution.” Che also talked about how “the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love.” Both of these sentiments hold the same fundamental truth."

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Joshua P. Hill

This is awesome! We have definitely lost a sense of community. Neighbors barely know each other in many towns including my own. I’m glad to help others. We definitely need to keep protesting the war machine.

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Joshua P. Hill

Actually I’m going to say hi to my neighbors more.

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Inspiring. Thank you. I really needed to read this today.

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Joshua P. Hill

Thank you for writing this! This is so important and clarifies thoughts I have had simmering for awhile. We can build a better future together with love and connection! We are rooted to this world by the relationships we have to those around us. By building community and networks of care, we are all healed. 💗💗

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Joshua P. Hill

Lovely post, you are so right. In all parts of the world we have a huge need for meaning and purpose, to take care of each other and together create a better society.

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Joshua P. Hill

onwards and upwards! free🇵🇸 free🇨🇩 free🇸🇸 free🇭🇹 free em all!

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I definitely feel purpose in wanting to help change things with other people. I also feel discouraged in that purposeful work is rarely accessible to disabled people. I’ve been trying to change that and existing movements and organizations time and again are just not interested. I’m interested in disability justice but not only that. I want disabled people to be able to contribute to other liberation movements too. And often mutual aid for any type of marginalized or multiply marginalized people is the same handful of people passing around the same $20. It’s not sustainable or enough. This sounds cynical but it’s not. It means that there’s room to grow within our activism and purposive activities by looking for what we’ve been missing and listening to people who we’ve ignored. I don’t try to get involved in the same ways I used to. And yes that is in part because it hurts too much to ask and be told your community doesn’t matter. But I haven’t given up on trying to find ways to contribute. I believe in our common, shared humanity no matter how many times people break my heart.

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There was an essay in Jacobin over the summer that said a lot of this, not as in depth but the author was making the point that engaging and organizing especially on a local level can improve your overall sense of well-being precisely because it gives you back the sense that you are not powerless in your own life. And it seems so simple but it's easy to forget. Energy is hard to sustain, especially since I feel like the people that are most upset with injustice feel that way because they tend to feel everything a little bit extra. Or (and not infrequently both) they have more than ideals at stake so both risk and reward is heightened. It can be overwhelming to try to process feelings and maintain energy and be available to support others etc etc. I'm trying to find the essay. I'll post a link or whatever works when I do.

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Nov 26, 2023·edited Nov 26, 2023

Very well written, but can you explain your exact ideology to me please? Are you an Ancom (Anarcho-Communism), Ansyn (Anarcho-Syndicalism), Ancol (Anarcho-Collectivism) or just a plain socialist?

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How about you make that the subject of your next writing? Tell us where you stand on the ideological spectrum?

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can you explain why you want to know which label people identify as? 😉

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I’m just curious to be honest. And it’s nice to know where people stand

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heard. might want to give more thought to the dangers of labels when said labels are being used as evidence by the state...

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