Keeping people working longer will mean fewer jobs for the younger generations making it easier for capitalists to suppress wages, benefits , and other terms of employment. With regard to Shapiro, I wonder if he's ever had a job where he had to work for someone other than spewing right wing propaganda.

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He should spend more time playing with his Barbie dolls.

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Well if they do that they’re going to have to figure out how to supply the country with enough Adderall and oxycodone they can’t even meet the demand now but if they think people are going to start working full-time at the age of 14 and work until 70 they’re going to have to figure out how to make and prescribe more pain meds than they do these days. Human bodies don’t last that long especially doing manual labor.

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Wondering, could there possibly be any advantage to not "Shutting down the arguments of these clowns"--- that the louder and more brazenly they seek attention, the more light is shined on their hypocrisy? Could we hope that their own cruel voices will reach even more than the "semi-normal people" (love that!) Just trying to stay positive...

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Great point, I think it’s a matter of phrasing for me. They’ll keep airing them, that’s for sure. And each time they do we get an opportunity to better articulate our alternative vision. Maybe that’s what we’re both saying here haha

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For the ‘life is hard, work till you die’ crew, two thoughts. One is that people in earlier societies didn’t work from dawn to dusk. There was art, and ritual, and feasting, and in winter people worked less because they couldn’t. We probably work harder than medieval peasants. Two, we are not picking berries on our knees. Our work now demands different things from us. Jeff Sparrow, in his book Crimes Against Nature, talks about how capitalism has screwed us work wise and forced us to work this way. There is no ‘There is no alternative’, there are always many ways of doing things, and I think this is what New Means is about

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Untrue! They want you to keep working after you die, they just haven’t worked out how yet.

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Conservative Republican overseers, who've never gotten their hands dirty, want the middle class to continue to "pick up the tab" and like it, while they drive them into their graves and plot to reduce their social security. Shapiro's never even broken a sweat in his life. What a twitchy fly.

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Really great article! I completely agree! There is collective power in sheer numbers if we can only remember to use it!

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what part of shelter, food water and safety don't you understand, Joshua?

Are you such an advanced species, that basic human being physical needs have been transcended?

Or are you one of those who will live off the air, taking all nutrients along with O2?

Yes darling, you have to work until you die. Always has been the way. Always will be the way...

for us mere mortals at least.

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Um. People lived on the planet for tens of thousands of years and didn’t have to pay for shelter, water and food. It hasn’t always been the way and it doesn’t always have to be the way.

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Seriously? Have you ever had to fish every day to eat? Or track down game, chase deer, rabbits or set up snares?

Have you ever been outside and made your own shelter?

Prior to about two hundred years ago, people worked sun up to sun down just for enough food for that day. IF THEY WERE LUCKY.

Every day was and is an effort to survive. And whither you get paid cash which buys the food, or you have to spend a day on your knees picking enough berries to live on, it is the same.

I get it that you kids think that Capitalism is bad, but life is life. Nothing is handed to you and you must work, to live/survive.

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I think you're missing the point. The author is not saying they don't want to work. Their saying "can we work and reap the benefit of our labour". There will always be a surviving aspect to life but with all the ressources and technologies human beings have at their disposal nowadays, I take a safe bet and say everyone could work less and live a little instead of fighting all the time.

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Get off my lawn! In my day we worked 26 hours a day and were happy if the lord of the manner didn’t kill us for gathering fire wood in the deer park! We had polio and we liked it because it got rid of the weak! And we didn’t have any old crank people who willfully misunderstand what people wrote so we could carp about lgbt people. Bah, humbug.

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For real though. What a typical individualistic, capitalist mindset to think that we’d have to provide everything for ourselves. I mean, there’s no way that people would live in communities and help each other survive! That’s communism! 🙄🙄🙄

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Not me, Jax.

I was an hourly technical guy doing factory work: retired at 54, debt free.

I’ve taken part time work for fun, for staying in shape, and for community projects, but it is nothing, but nothing, like punching a clock.

67 now, and I would trade all memory of any working decade for ten more as good as these last thirteen.

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I love it when they pop off like this. Show normies and voters who they really are. I’ll take as many tonedeaf arguments as the right wants to offer!

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You should.

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You can hate Ben Shapiro, but there’s no denying that he’s very smart.

With regard to conservatives wanting everyone till they die… Bernie, that crazy old man is proposing the reduced work week, and his socialist ideals are more than welcome.

I’ll find the job I most desire, which is currently held by someone working reduced hours. I’ll find out who their boss is and send my resume with a cover letter explaining how I will work the full week and one Saturday a month.

At every turn in world history, socialism has failed and this certainly wouldn’t be an exception. I’m not talking about just the reduced hours, but the entire mindset would change for many.

Those who support capitalism would have a field day if people unknowingly thought they were taking advantage of a new perk. There are many people who jump on an opportunity to fill the seat of the job they want so badly.

Bernie’s next step will be to pay everyone based on their needs and not their productivity and ambition. Stifling ingenuity with socialist principles would only work the people who punch in and out daily.

Can you imagine what Elon Musk would say and do in response? He’s the closest thing we’ve seen since Nichola Tesla and he works every day. He’s not simply rich - he’s changing the world.

My point is that reducing works hours won’t benefit those who take advantage of the reduced hours, but it opens the door for those who have greater ambitions.

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Good article! I wonder what will be the tipping point. I admit I'm not doing much to help reverse the direction our society is headed but I also have no idea what would be effective. I feel like I'm trapped.

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Ugh. It's really hard to talk about this without a lot of intergenerational discord erupting. I'm curious to see if it will happen here, but I'm not going to say any of the kick-off words. We should be clear though there's a specific reason for some of this push to normalize retiring later and it didn't involve people currently of retirement age staying in their jobs longer. Although a fair percentage of them have, not necessarily because they needed to stay for financial reasons but because they were loathe to leave their positions for other reasons.

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